Anchorage Neighborhoods Map

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All Anchorage neighborhoods

The city of Anchorage, AK has a population of 292,090 and a population density of 171 people per square mile. There are a total of 38 Anchorage, AK neighborhoods. The neighborhood with the highest Livability Score is North Star and the largest neighhorhood by population is Northeast. The Anchorage, AK neighborhood map is a great way to see which neighborhoods have a higher Livability Score compared to those with a lower Livability Score.

Top Rated Neighborhoods In Anchorage, AK

Located in south-central Alaska, Anchorage is the largest city in the state. Anchorage has a population of around 300,000 and is known for its cultural sites. The city is full of interesting activities to take part in. From museums to ice spas, Anchorage can prove to be an exciting place to live. Of course, that's not the only thing to look for in the city. Anchorage's education system tests higher than average, and housing and employment is plentiful. Overall, the city is quite livable. It has countless local amenities, a high-income per capita, and has a stable housing market.


Huffman-O'malley is a neighborhood of Anchorage and is located about 10 miles south of the major part of the city. When it comes to livability, Huffman-O'malley is ranked as one of the top neighborhoods to live in all of Alaska. It is a quaint neighborhood with a low crime rate and a fair amount of amenities. Within the neighborhood, you will find a liberal amount of schools and restaurants, grocery stores, and a shopping center. If you are into art, there is even an art gallery! While the average home value is high and unemployment is low, the cost of living in Huffman-O'malley is marginally higher than Anchorage itself. The neighborhood costs about 4% more to live in. Despite this, the median rent of Huffman-O'malley is about $400 per month which is much lower than the main part of the city. Huffman-O'malley is, to put it simply, a decent place to live. It has a high average income, low crime, good education, and a thriving housing market.


Mid-Hillside is located approximately 11 miles south-east of Anchorage. This mean you would have about a 20 minute commute to and from the city (depending on traffic). When it comes to amenities, the neighborhood is a bit lacking. The closest grocery store is in Huffman-O'malley, which is about 3 miles away. But where Mid-Hillside lacks on the grocery front, it makes up for it by having the Alaska Zoo in very close proximity! Now the cost of living in Mid-Hillside is a bit higher than average. It is 2% higher than Huffman-O'malley and 6% higher than Anchorage itself, but it has strong education and housing. In fact, the high-school graduation rate is 11% higher than Anchorage! Average household income is, of course, high (about $150,000 per year) and crime-rates are marginally lower than Anchorage.

Rabbit Creek

Rabbit Creek is about 14 miles south of Anchorage. There are not many restaurants, only one school, and the nearest grocery store is a drive away, but the neighborhood makes up for it by providing excellent education, employment rates, and housing. The median income is about $150,000, about 90% higher than Anchorage and the home values are also much higher at about 70%. When it comes to education, the graduation rate is greater than Anchorage, so while it is farther away, you will still have access to proper education. Rabbit Creek is a bit more secluded, but it can still hold its own against the other neighborhoods and even Anchorage itself.