Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities B+

There are some amenities close to this location.
Coffee (22) F
Entertainment (5) F
Food and Drink (76) A-
Fitness (8) F
Groceries (18) C-
Parks (250) A+
Shops (160) A+
See more Brantford amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 1.9% take public transportation in Brantford.
Public Transit Stops (22)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Brantford commute data

cost of living B+

The cost of living in Brantford is 91/100 - which is 19% lower than Ontario.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Brantford cost of living data

crime D-

Brantford crime rates are 4,997 per 100k, which is 62% higher than Ontario
Property Crime
3,714 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
1,283 crimes per 100k
See more Brantford crime data

employment C+

The median income in Brantford is $72,288 - which is 17% lower than Ontario.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Brantford employment data

health A+

There are some hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (41)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Brantford health & safety data

housing A+

Brantford home prices are $665,900 - which is 19% lower than Ontario
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
9.2x (home price to income ratio)
See more Brantford housing data

schools B+

The Brantford graduation rate is 80% - which is 5% lower than Ontario
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (48) A+
High Schools (22) A+
See more Brantford education data

ratings F

Brantford has an overall rating of 41% from 11 reviews.
User Reviews (3)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (8)
From AreaVibes
See more Brantford user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Brantford, ON
( 11 Ratings )

Living in Brantford, ON

Brantford Area Facts

  • Brantford has a Livability Score of 78/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Brantford crime rates are 62% higher than the Ontario average
  • Cost of living in Brantford is 19% lower than the Ontario average

Brantford Reviews

Write a review about Brantford Tell people what you like or don't like about Brantford…
Gone to hell 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Aug 06, 2022) I grew up here since 87 n was around my whole life n I learned to like this city for it's quite friendly environment...the 90s for me was teen years n at worst is was mostly petty crime n Marilyn Manson kids'90s hippies n grunger kids smoken of weed n eaten LSD...then the casino ...Read More came brining a bit more crime n then the university came n students who look over to party on weekends n buy drugs...with the casino brining it in n students with parents $$$ supply n demand was complete n ignited the first of the drug problem we have here now...not to mention the disgusting amount of political corruption n their habit of taking(my guess is someone gets paid like current mayor n city council...hence a bit of the corrupt there n they never ever make major changes public!)violent Federal sex offenders being released(I've read these posts to the community from city police since the mid 90s n just what I've seen is over 10 violent sex offenders released here n dozens of regular federal dangerous offenders of extremely violent crimes constantly!!!)one offenders was a sexual bind n torturer of kids last one 8 read was less then a month ago was another violent child sex offender!!! But since covid we have also had the GTAs worst crazy opiod n meth smoking shopping cart pushing human scum coming here in droves on buses bringing a even worse n more crime including stabbings shootings a guy got his finger cut off by a shopping cart loser from the GTAs homeless pop.s9 much for our mayor's love of community!!! He n council took cash to add to our huge list of if u got kids don't wanna be robbed n want choices too shop or a place too work that pays more then $17hr n actual first responders that respond too emergencies (not police, paramedic, nurses or any service really at fault)this is a city council that is greedy n don't even live here for the most part thats like all politician's nation wide n virtue signals but don't give a...n another mayor too take some $$$ too house convicted pesos n the worst homeless crazy at losers the GTA can give...Thanx Kevin "I'm corrupt too guys!!!" Davis or whatever this crooked frauds name is...this place is crap n ruined will get worse! Read Less
Hard to Complain 5 rating By Anonymous ( Jun 24, 2021) I live in Fairview close to the highway so it's pretty busy. Most people in my area stay for decades with a good stock of quality 60's homes. Shopping is wonderful where I am. I drive 25 minutes to work in Dundas by a wide variety of routes. I don't know If I will retire here onl ...Read More y because of the housing market. GTHA is expensive for good reason. If I can cash out with the house prices I will, but if there is a crash I will stay. I'm not going to leave this area unless I'm paid to. There maybe better areas to live but at what price? My area has got lots of great assets. Read Less
Do not live here 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 24, 2021) During this pandemic, the parking enforcement is out with great vigor as compared to before. Ppl already have less or no money n yet the City of Brantford prefers to keep ticketing you for the most bs of reasons. To hell with Brantford ...Read More Read Less
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Do not live here 0.5 rating By Anonymous ( Jan 24, 2021) During this pandemic, the parking enforcement is out with great vigor as compared to before. Ppl already have less or no money n yet the City of Brantford prefers to keep ticketing you for the most bs of reasons. To hell with Brantford ...Read More Read Less

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Compare Brantford, ON Livability


      Brantford, ON

      Nestled along the Grand River in southwestern Ontario, Brantford is a city deeply rooted in Canadian history. As any Brantford resident will tell you, the city is often referred to as “The Telephone City” after its most famous resident: Alexander Graham Bell. The city has a multicultural heritage and diverse population that includes one of the most populous Fist Nations communities in the country. Due to Brantford’ proximity to the Six Nations of the Grand River reserve, First Nations peoples make up the largest visible minority group in the city, followed by South Asians and East Asians.

      As Brantford offers easy access to the commercial centres of Hamilton, Toronto, Detroit and Buffalo, as well as many incentives to business owners, it is an ideal choice for companies to set up their headquarters. The booming employment and enterprise opportunities to locals contribute to a strong economy and you’ll find that downtown Brantford is abuzz with a number of local businesses. Another key driver of Brantford’s growth is the relatively expensive house, which makes it a popular commuter suburb for those who work in Hamilton or nearby Cambridge. Another aspect of Brantford’s immense popularity, especially for families with children is the number of public and private schools in the area, as well as a number of post-secondary educational institutions.

      While Brantford is a generally safe community, any resident will recommend avoiding West Brantford, which tends to have higher crime rates. The most popular residential areas are located around Garden Avenue, which has a number of wonderful homes and is conveniently located to shops and amenities. The farmers’ market is a great place to pick up fresh produce while the Lynden Park Mall will be able to serve your everyday needs.

      To get an authentic glimpse of Brantford’s diverse local culture, check out the International Villages Festival that the city hosts every year, in which ethnic groups set up “villages” around the city and offer traditional food and cultural activities. Another festival you must attend is The Bell Summer Theatre Festival. Theatre lovers will also find plenty to keep them entertained for the rest of the year, with the number of workshops and troupes that the city offers.

      B+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Brantford? Yes, there are some amenities close to this location.


      Unknown Name
      Cityview Park
      Edward Goold Park
      Robert Moore Park
      Connaught Park
      Unknown Name
      CNR Gore Park
      Unknown Name


      Gentlemans Club
      Allure Nightclub
      Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts
      Galaxy Cinemas Brantford
      Bell Homestead National Historic Site
      Unknown Name

      Food & Drink

      The Beer Store
      Fetticino's Pizza
      Billiards Bar & Grill
      The Alexanders Lounge
      Meatsauce Pizza & Wings
      McGonagalls Pub
      Gino's Pizza

      A Commute

      Is public transit available in Brantford? Of all people who commute, 1.9% take public transportation in Brantford.
      Drive to Work

      4% lower than the CDN average

      Take Public Transit

      5% lower than the CDN average

      Walk to Work

      2% lower than the CDN average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Brantford a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Brantford General Hospital


      Shoppers Drug Mart
      Shoppers Drug Mart
      Shoppers Drug Mart
      Shoppers Drug Mart
      Brantford Commons Pharmacy
      Shoppers Drug Mart
      Shoppers Drug Mart
