Livability Score

i The AreaVibes Livability Score evaluates 9 different categories and creates an overall score out of 100. The higher the score, the better the area.

amenities A+

There are lots of amenities close to this location.
Coffee (37) A+
Entertainment (19) A+
Food and Drink (135) A+
Fitness (18) A+
Groceries (44) A+
Parks (272) A+
Shops (303) A+
See more Peterborough amenity data

commute A+

Of all people who commute, 3.0% take public transportation in Peterborough.
Public Transit Stops (22)
Stops & Stations
Workers Taking Public Transit
See more Peterborough commute data

cost of living B

The cost of living in Peterborough is 92/100 - which is 18% lower than Ontario.
Cost of Living
Goods & Services, Housing, etc.
Tax Rates
Income & Sales Tax
See more Peterborough cost of living data

crime D+

Peterborough crime rates are 4,327 per 100k, which is 40% higher than Ontario
Property Crime
3,216 crimes per 100k
Violent Crime
1,111 crimes per 100k
See more Peterborough crime data

employment C

The median income in Peterborough is $67,121 - which is 23% lower than Ontario.
Med. Household Income
Unemployment Rate
See more Peterborough employment data

health A+

There are many hospitals, police and fire stations.
Health & Safety (64)
Dentist, Doctor, Hospital, etc.
Air Quality
Median Air Quality
See more Peterborough health & safety data

housing A+

Peterborough home prices are $633,000 - which is 23% lower than Ontario
Home Price
Home Appreciation Rate
Home Affordability
9.4x (home price to income ratio)
See more Peterborough housing data

schools A

The Peterborough graduation rate is 85% - which is 1% higher than Ontario
School Test Scores
High School Grad. Rates
Elementary Schools (29) C-
High Schools (19) A+
See more Peterborough education data

ratings F

Peterborough has an overall rating of 25% from 5 reviews.
User Reviews (0)
From AreaVibes
User Surveys (5)
From AreaVibes
See more Peterborough user rating data
Amenities Commute Cost of Living Crime Employment Health & Safety Housing Schools User Ratings
Photo of Peterborough, ON
( 5 Ratings )

Living in Peterborough, ON

Peterborough Area Facts

  • Peterborough has a Livability Score of 81/100, which is considered exceptional
  • Peterborough crime rates are 40% higher than the Ontario average
  • Cost of living in Peterborough is 18% lower than the Ontario average

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Compare Peterborough, ON Livability


      Peterborough, ON

      The gateway to ‘cottage country’, Peterborough became Canada’s 33rd largest municipality when it amalgamated with surrounding communities in 2014. Still, its nickname ‘The Electric City’ comes from its past, as it was the first city in the country to have electric streetlights. Today, it is the Kawarthas’ business, political, economic and cultural hub. It is a lovely city with a small town feel thanks to its small communities and art scene. It also has a strong student presence, as it is home to Trent University and Fleming College.

      The Otonabee River cuts right through the centre of the city, with Downtown Peterborough being centrally located on the west side of the river. This is one of the most vibrant areas of Peterborough and is the best part of the city for wining and dining. It is also where much of its art scene is located, being home to places like Artspace, the Market Hall Performing Arts Centre and the Gordon Best Theatre. Downtown Peterborough also has strong student presence, with buses directly running from the area to Trent University and Fleming College.

      Peterborough’s economic industries have had a lot to do with its growth, as numerous international companies have factories or distribution centres here. It is also a major shopping destination for the Kawarthas region, with residents coming from many surrounding communities to shop in the city. In terms of everyday living, Peterborough has quite a low overall crime rate, although its hate crimes is unfortunately high. This should not deter anyone from living here, as there are people from all walks of life that live in the city, though the population is predominately white. It also has a higher medium age than the national average, at around 43.

      Overall, Peterborough is a lovely city with a tight-knit community vibe. It is home to 82 elementary schools and 15 secondary schools, as well as four adult learning centres. There are also several attractions in the city, though most residents will always say that people should visit the Peterborough Liftlock - the world’s highest hydraulic liftlock -, the Canadian Canoe Museum and the Art Gallery of Peterborough. You could also take a cruise along the Otonabee River, hike along one of the many trails in the city and wander around the Riverview Park & Zoo.

      A+ Amenities

      Are there many local amenities in Peterborough? Yes, there are lots of amenities close to this location.


      Simcoe & Bethune Park
      Fleming Park
      Bethune Park
      Confederation Square
      Victoria Park
      Millennium Park
      Union Street Park
      James Stevenson Park


      Hutchinson House
      Market Hall Performing Arts Centre
      The Theatre on King
      Showplace Performance Centre
      The Junction
      Galaxy Cinemas Peterborough
      Lakeview Bowl

      Food & Drink

      Publican House Brewery
      The Garnet
      Hunter Street Tavern
      Red Dog Tavern
      Free Topping Pizza
      One Eighty Sports Pub
      White House Hotel

      A Commute

      Is public transit available in Peterborough? Of all people who commute, 3.0% take public transportation in Peterborough.
      Drive to Work

      4% lower than the CDN average

      Take Public Transit

      4% lower than the CDN average

      Walk to Work

      1% higher than the CDN average

      A+ Health & Safety

      Is Peterborough a healthy and safe place to live? Yes, there are many hospitals, police and fire stations.


      Peterborough Regional Health Centre


      Shoppers Drug Mart
      Westmount Pharmacy
      Peterborough Hospital Pharmacy
      Walmart Pharmacy
      Shoppers Drug Mart


      Dialysis Management Clinics
      Walk-In Clinic
      Kawartha Foot & Orthotic Clinic
      Apex Diagnostic Services