Riverview Elementary School

240 N River Rd, Munroe Falls OH, 44262 | Stow-Munroe Falls City School District | 330-689-5310
  • grades KG-4
  • students 308
  • type Elementary
PROFICIENCY 80% 31% higher than state average
School Rankings Proficiency Averages
74%Munroe Falls

Riverview Elementary School is a school servicing grades KG to 4 and is located in the district of "Stow-Munroe Falls City School District" in Munroe Falls, OH. There are a total of 308 students and 19 teachers at Riverview Elementary School, for a student to teacher ratio of 17 to 1.

Riverview Elementary School has an average proficiency test score (in mathematics and languages) of 79.5%, which is 31% higher than the Ohio average.

Riverview Elementary School location


Student/Teacher ratio17:1


Advanced Placement
AP enrollmentn/a
Taking some coursesn/a
Taking some courses (not tests)n/a
Passing some coursesn/a
Passing no coursesn/a

Advanced placement (AP) is a program that offers high school students the ability to take college level courses and exams. These programs were created to be at the same level of most first year university courses. If the students were successful in the AP programs, they could potentially receive advanced placement, credit or exemptions when they go on to university. At Riverview Elementary School, there are a total of n/a students enrolled in advanced placement courses, with n/a taking some courses.

Proficiency in mathematics comparison

Proficiency in languages comparison

Proficiency in mathematics by grade

4>= 90%
High Schooln/a

Proficiency in languages by grade

High Schooln/a

The proficiency in math and languages tables represent the percentage of students that scored at or above the proficiency level on their standardized state assessment tests. Although these tests are standardized within each state, the tests may vary from state to state. Comparing the results of one state to another may not always be an accurate or fair comparison.

Riverview Elementary School race/ethnicity breakdown

White 89.8% 89.2% 73.7% 51.1%
Black 1.6% 3.6% 15.1% 15.9%
Asian 0.8% 2.2% 1.9% 4.7%
Hispanic or Latino 2.7% 1.6% 4.5% 23.6%
American Indian and Alaskan 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 1.2%
Hawaiian 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.4%
Multiracial 5.1% 3.2% 4.4% 3.1%

Munroe Falls demographics profile

StatisticMunroe FallsOhioNational
Population density (sq mi)1,83028891
Median age48.639.337.7
Male/Female ratio1.0:11.0:11.0:1
Married (15yrs & older)65%56%55%
Speak English93%93%79%
Speak Spanish0%2%13%

Education level achieved in Munroe Falls

IndexMunroe FallsOhioNational
Completed 8th grade91.9%86.9%84.3%
Completed high school91.9%85.6%83.0%
Completed some college56.9%55.7%59.4%
Completed associate degree41.0%35.1%38.5%
Completed bachelors36.4%26.7%30.3%
Completed masters13.3%10.0%11.5%
Completed professional degree3.7%2.7%3.3%
Completed doctorate2.9%1.1%1.3%
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Source: The Riverview Elementary School data displayed above is derived from the National Center for Education Statistics and from the U.S. Department of Education.